Vaccination as an engine for healthy aging
Design of communication pieces for the conference "The contribution of vaccination for a healthy aging in Portugal", organized by Público and supported by GSK – GlaxoSmithKline –, a British multinational pharmaceutical company, producer of biological, health and vaccine products.
The conference communication pieces
Throughout this article, you will find the various communication pieces that we developed for this conference, namely: the backdrop, the pulpit and the roll-up. As well as, the design of the branded content page for Público's physical newspaper.
Debates around the main topic
In order to discuss the Portuguese population's knowledge about vaccination in seniors, the access and equity to vaccination schemes in our country and the importance of disease prevention for a longer and better longevity, the conference included the presentation of the joint national study of the Associação Portuguesa de Medicina Geral e Familiar (APMGF) and GSK, entitled "Vaccination in Adulthood and Healthy Aging: what do we know about the Zone?", by Catarina Ramos from 2Logical.
Presence of portuguese State figure
The closing was in charge of none other than the Director-General of Health, Graça Freitas, who climbed the pulpit and spoke the last words of the conference "The contribution of vaccination for healthy aging in Portugal".